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Utah Cops Seize Half Million Dollars and Start Court Battle

Utah Cops Seize Half Million Dollars and Start Court Battle

On November 27, 2016, Kyle Savely was driving westbound on Interstate 80 when a Utah Highway Patrol officer pulled him over. The officer said that Savely was following too close to another vehicle. When Savely refused to give permission for his car to search his car, a drug dog was called to the scene. Despite the fact that no contraband or drugs were located in the car, but the dog alerted on a bag of 52 stacks of money totaling $500,000.

Utah Tweaks Drunk Driving Laws

Utah Tweaks Drunk Driving Laws

The Utah legislature has tweaked the driving under the influence laws in the state. The law had said that novice drivers who had even one drop of alcohol in their system could be arrested for drunk driving.

Data Breaches: Know Your Corporate Responsibilities

Data Breaches: Know Your Corporate Responsibilities

It seems that every week or two there is another news story about how a company has breached their customer's data. Customers can hold the company liable for these breeches so it is imperative that businesses be proactive in protecting sensitive information belonging to their clients.

Utah’s Tax Regulations For Internet Commerce

Utah’s Tax Regulations For Internet Commerce

Utah businesses that maintain online stores or sales portals need to pay attention to state tax law. Just because you are selling out of digital storefront doesn’t mean that the normal taxation rules don’t apply.

Grandparents Rights of Visitation

Grandparents Rights of Visitation

Did you know that grandparents in Utah can be granted visitation rights? It's true. When there's a divorce, or sometimes in the event of a death, grandparents may feel that their grandchildren are being kept from them unjustly.

How Utah Deals With Ponzi Schemes

How Utah Deals With Ponzi Schemes

A pyramid scheme is a common scam where a person pays a fee to enter a sales scheme, and is required to secure additional participants who also pay an entrance fee. In the typical set-up, all participants are required to make an initial investment in a dubious product.

Is Utah a No-Fault State?

Is Utah a No-Fault State?

The term no-fault is common parlance in the field of auto accident cases. No-fault describes the way insurance claims are handled following a car accident. In a no-fault state, the driver's own insurance company is responsible for covering all medical, property and lost income claims.

Property Division and Child Custody in a Utah Divorce

Property Division and Child Custody in a Utah Divorce

Equitable distribution of property occurs when a married couple files for a divorce in Utah. If the two parties are not able to agree on the how the assets of the marriage are going to be divided, the court will decide how the property is divided between the couple.

A Look at Utah's Identity Theft Laws

A Look at Utah's Identity Theft Laws

Identity theft if is a common fear among modern day citizens. Today's reliance on technology allows thieves to steal personal info in a surreptitious manner. When you are the victim of identity theft, it can cause havoc in your life.

Why You Should Know About Riparian Rights

Why You Should Know About Riparian Rights

Many property owners are fairly familiar with the laws that govern their home from the ground up. Yet, most homeowners overlook the very important concept of riparian rights, or water law. This important area of property rights determines who owns surface and subterranean water found on the property.

Can You Use Self-Defense in Utah?

Can You Use Self-Defense in Utah?

Many high-profile self-defense cases have graced the headlines over the past few years. Self-defense laws have become been a central issue in the national discussion about gun rights. The states are split when it comes to how self-defense is regulated.

How Do You Appeal a Case?

How Do You Appeal a Case?

In law, not everyone is a winner. Every case that goes to trial carries an inherent risk of failure. Luckily, the legal system has a built-in safety net called an appeal. The word appeal is thrown around a lot on the news and on TV shows. However, as often as it is used it remains a commonly misunderstood legal term.

Utah's Laws Against Child Abuse

Utah's Laws Against Child Abuse

Whenever a child’s mental or physical health is at stake, the law takes over and allows police and prosecutors to stop the activity. They are able to carry out criminal prosecutions against defendants with the help of the Department of Child and Family Services, and tips from mandatory reporters.

How Small Claims Cases Differ from Other Lawsuits

How Small Claims Cases Differ from Other Lawsuits

The legal forum that most average citizens are familiar with is small claims court. This is a special court designed to handle civil suits in a fast and efficient manner. As the name suggests, the lawsuits heard in this type of court tend to be under a certain monetary threshold.

What You Need to Know About Protective Orders in Utah

What You Need to Know About Protective Orders in Utah

As with anywhere, relationship problems are always a possibility in the state of Utah. Yet, not every relationship ends on the same note. Some may even linger on with threats of harm or physical violence. Those who are subjected to this behavior need some sort of protection to cut off the other party and continue on with their lives. Protective orders offer this type of protection. Find out how to qualify for a protective order, and what it means for your future.